YHVH- The “Tetragrammaton”-What is it?


The Bible is full of coded information that is meant to lead the seeker to enlightenment. There are mathematical formulas as in the dimensions of King Solomon’s Temple from 1 Kings 6:2. There are the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant. The numbers given as the dimensions of the objects hold many hidden messages about the universe all around us. By far one of the most interesting and perplexing codes depicted in the bible is the sacred name of God from the Old Testament. The Tetragrammaton is the unpronounceable name of Deity. It is made of up four consonants and no vowels, making it virtually impossible to pronounce, and just as difficult to comprehend.

The Tetragrammaton consists of the letters YHVH (or JHVH, IHVH, etc., depending on the translation) and can be looked at on many levels. It was given to Moses at the burning bush and was not to be spoken. It was a code to explain our existence and our consciousness. The fact that the Tetragrammaton has four letters is indication of a four-fold meaning. You could look at it as representing the four basic elements, with the non-existent vowels representing the 5th element of spirit, since spirit cannot be perceived by the five senses. You could look at it as numerological code or a veiled reference to Pi. The Hebrew letters that make up the Tetragrammaton are pronounced Yod (10), Heh (5), Vov(6), Heh(5) and have numerical values of 26 when added together. This could be further broken down to equal 8 if the two numbers are added together. Eight when turned on it’s side becomes the symbol of infinity. God is infinite. Just as the universe is infinite. It is also sometimes deciphered as “He Who Is, Who Was, and Shall Be.” Yet again, giving us a feeling of infinity and unification.

Regardless of how profound and wonderful the aforementioned ideas are, the most intriguiging idea to date on the Tetragrammaton is given by Nassim Haramein in his Crossing the Event Horizon video series. In part 4 of the series, Nassim discusses the idea that the Tetragrammaton and the tetrahedron are one in the same. He goes on to demonstrate how the star tetrahedron is comprised of two interlocked tetrahedrons, one facing up, the other down. This interlocked structure, he believes to be the essence of creation at the sub-atomic level. When laid out in two-dimensions, we see that the star tetrahedron is The Star of David, or the Seal of Solomon. This same symbol having been used for thousands of years in all different regions of the world. It is Haramein’s theory that the Tetragrammaton and the four letters of God only create half of the polarity needed for our polarized existence and that to obtain the answer of Creation, and the mystery of the Tetragrammaton, we must find this missing half. He claims that the Tetragrammaton from the Bible is the male half of the deity and will not be complete until we discover the polarized missing element. This is the Divine Feminine! This is the union that makes the whole. Just as our likeness is echoed in the galaxies as well as the minute structures of the microcosm. This is the missing piece. The ancient mysteries spoke of a Divine Feminine and this concept is perpetuated to this day. It is the exact element that has put these societies at odds with popular religion since their inception.

As we move into this New Age of the Zodiac and on to greater understanding, we must look back at the power tools that we have been given. As we crack these codes, the answer will become clearer by the day. We must search and become pilgrims on a journey for truth and understanding. Though these symbols are misunderstood and dismissed as nonsense by most of society, it is up to us to find this missing piece to the Tetragrammaton. The Bible has presented us with this powerful piece information and once we have ascended to higher consciousness, the answer will become clear. It is up to us to solve this mystery, for the good of humanity!

2 thoughts on “YHVH- The “Tetragrammaton”-What is it?

  1. Could these four symbols also reflect the four
    Components of DNA? Our minds and bodies
    are made in Gods image. Hence we are creators too. Still we obviously can’t see far
    Enough inward to fully understand the universes in our ownselves. Thru lucid
    Dreaming I’ve heard the music of the spheres.
    A symphony of endless beauty. Science and religion are looking for the same things. Let’s
    please stop murdering each other over triffles. Let everyone seek the truth in peace!

    • Strong and beautiful words, my friend! As we explore deeper into our own existence it becomes impossible to ignore the amazing symmetry of everything around us. In our search for the truth we will find that the path to the understanding of all things through science, is the very same path that leads to the reverence of the spirit and to Creation.

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