A quick and comprehensive overview of the Seven Basic Hermetic Principles.

The Point of a Sharp Instrument

These are the Seven Hermetic Principles as found in the Kybalion among other texts. They are naturally existing laws of the universe and shape our reality. With the understanding and appreciation of these laws, one can live more harmoniously with themselves and the natural world.

1.) The Principle of Mentalism– This principle states that the universe and everything around us is a mental construct. We are all co-creating our perceptions of the world and everything around us.

2.) The Principle of Correspondence– This principle informs us that the microcosm is a direct reflection of the macrocosm and vice versa. It is from this principle that we derive the saying “as above, so below.” This can be seen all throughout the universe. Microscopic organisms mimic the same shapes and forms of galaxies.

3.) The Principle of Vibration-This principle shows us that everything in the universe is made up…

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The Temple Within

Please allow me to officially introduce myself. My name is Kirk. I am the namesake of my grandfather who’s last name was Kirkbride, and who’s nickname was Kirk. The name is of Scottish and Northern English descent and means “church”. This name may be one of the keys to my spiritual awakening.

We read in the Bible from Luke 17:21 that “the Kingdom of Heaven is within you”. This esoteric passage is meant to teach us that each one of us has the capacity for holiness. We have the inherent power to create Heaven on Earth if we put our minds and souls to it. This is an empowering idea. The true power lies within each of US. If one is to keep their body and mind pure, it is the surest way to creating a perfect balance within. This is the quest of the spiritual seeker.

My name literally translates to church. The church being the center of worship and spiritual contact. This is not to say that one should worship themselves. This idea is the antithesis of what the true meaning is. We are to treat our bodies and minds as purely as we can and we will find the true divinity within.

When one becomes a Freemason, they are given a white apron. In operative Masonry (the actual art of stonework and building) the apron is worn to protect the clothing, however, as a speculative Mason (allegorical) it is purely symbolic. It represents the soul of the individual. The newly made Mason is given a lecture about the importance of the apron as a symbol for the purity of the soul. They are told that it is their duty as a Mason to see that the apron remains white and unstained by the vices of this world. This is the same apron that is placed upon the body of a departed Brother as a symbol of the purity of his soul as he passes on to the Lodge above.

The body is a temple that was given to us by the Creator. We are supposed to treat it as holy and not defile it with poisons. Poisons of food and drink, and even more importantly poisons of hatred, lust, and jealousy. As I look toward my spiritual advancement, I am trying to keep my Kingdom in order. To keep it clean and unsullied. I am Kirk the Church of self. I must look within to find Heaven, just as you must look within yourself to find it. Bring it forth into the world and be your own spiritual guide, your own kirk, if you will. ang18

A Cosmic Case for Vegetarianism

If you want to get just about anyone riled up, just bring up the topic of not eating meat. People don’t like thinking about this touchy subject. Dealing with old habits is difficult to do. In my quest to find spiritual enlightenment, I have come face to face with many of my own shortcomings and am attempting to deal with them. Every time that I think I have them under control, I have a bad day and find myself going back to these bad habits. I am vigorously trying to overcome my lower nature everyday, but it’s not easy.

I have been a vegetarian for 23 years now. It was something that a friend of mine turned me onto and it really stuck. I had always had an affection for animals and been a bit of a non-conformist. It just felt right. Now, as I look toward enlightenment everyday, it has become an even more important part of my life. The Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect (see link to earlier blog: The Seven Hermetic Principles states that everything that we do has an effect on something else in the world. This is true for all things, including the food choices that we make. If we choose to consume meat, we have contributed to the taking of another life. Despite the fact that the end user was not the one that took the life, they are still participating in the suffering. As one becomes more awakened, the understanding of the interconnectedness of life becomes more apparent and it’s easy to see how this is a problem. This is not to say that all suffering can be ceased in the world if we were all to stop eating meat. There are many other issues that would not be rectified with this change. However, it sure is a step in the right direction.

The greatest problem with the meat industry is that of the factory farm. The demand for meat in the American diet is extremely high, so it takes mass manufacturing to keep up with the demand. These factory farms are horrifying for all involved. The animals are abused and neglected. The resources used for the production are immense and the waste produced is even greater. The destruction of the land that is inhabited by these farms is catastrophic. They account for a large portion of the meat that America consumes. We are under the impression that all of these animals live on rural farms and are treated humanely. That simply isn’t the case. These factories produce the majority of the meat consumed. Not the free range farms.

The reality is grim, indeed. There is no such thing as humane slaughter. All of this suffering and death is present in the astral plane and is effecting us daily. This concept is covered extensively by famous Freemason and Theosophist, C.W. Leadbeater, in his essay “Vegetarianism and Occultism”.

Changing a lifestyle is a challenging demand, but well worth the effort. As we advance on our journey to light, we must make challenging steps to conquer our demons. Let’s work toward a better world with less suffering. We can make a huge impact on our future and the way that the law of “cause and effect” effects the outcome. This is within our grasp, we just have to go within ourselves and remind ourselves that these animals at our brothers and sisters. They deserve to live without suffering too.


Free Your Mind 2 Conference

Check out the Free Your Mind 2 Conference. A conference on consciousness, mind control, and the occult. Talking place on April 25th-27th in Philadelphia, PA at the Arch Street Meeting House. There will be 23 outstanding speakers including the likes of Frater X, Freeman, Jan Irvin, and Mark Passio, discussing a wide range of topics. This is one event you will not want to miss! Get your advanced tickets today!!


We Are Here Now

We are here now. Spiritual beings having an experience in humanity. The love we radiate will encompass the universe. It will project us through time and space. Our Chakras are aligning and the elixir of life is at our fingertips. Speak the truth and tell someone you care. Never stop caring. Reach out. Take the words you have in your heart out and bring them to us. Live life with purpose. As we move forward from here, we can make the world what it is supposed to be. A beacon of pure light with never ending compassion and love for it’s inhabitants. The mysteries are coming into focus now. We are here NOW.


You Can’t Have My Hope

In today’s world, it seems that someone is trying to keep us from hope. We are bombarded with the bad news of the world on a constant basis. It makes one feel as if there is no hope for humanity. Our fear-based media is trying to kill all hope. The powers-that-be want us to lose all hope and become mindless sheep that will accept what is given to them. Hope is the enemy of fear. It only takes one optimist to destroy this paradigm.

The Reverend Jesse Jackson once said,in his speech to the 1988 Democratic National Convention, “keep hope alive.” With this simple statement, Rev. Jackson planted a seed in the minds of the people. He made us realize that having hope is necessary to monumental change. We need this hope, now more than ever.

We have all heard stories of people conquering great difficulties and obstacles by keeping the hope of that accomplishment alive. People with grievous illnesses have overcome what the experts all said couldn’t be done. They all have had hope in success. They thought that it was possible and thus, made it so. This hope is great power. We have a tremendous amount of untapped mental capability. Hope is an unconscious way of tapping into this potential. If we can focus on, and grasp onto this hope, it can work miracles.

Masaru Emoto, a researcher from Japan has proven that emotions and consciousness can have a physical effect on freezing water crystals. He wrote messages on a piece of paper and stuck them onto the side of glass with freezing water crystals in it. Ice crystals that were told “You make me sick, I will kill you” froze in jagged asymmetrical patterns. Ones that were told “thank you” and “love and appreciation” froze into beautiful symmetrical patterns with perfect mirrored perfection. These same tests were performed using purely internalized thoughts without words with similarly startling results. Proving that emotion and thoughts have great powers and influence on the external world.

I still have hope in humanity. I have this because I see beautiful things happen every day. I know that the soul of humanity is alive. I keep hope because it keeps me in the game. If there is a glimmer still there, then there is a chance. I have hope in a world without war and suffering, because I know we are capable of this. If we think it, we can manifest it. I have hope that we can still turn this thing around. I would rather die than give up my hope. You can’t take my hope from me. I am going to keep it alive for the sake of all humanity!butterfly-peace-symbol1

Thought that this was worthy of a second look. Hope you enjoy.

The Point of a Sharp Instrument

The longest lasting war in the history of humankind is still being waged on us everyday. A war on our consciousness is cloaked and is virtually invisible to the untrained eye, but if one is awake, or in the process of awakening it can be seen. Our true journey in life is to gain knowledge and to grow spiritually. These elements are essential to a healthy consciousness. These are the elements of ourselves that are being shut down, or led astray. At first glance this is a bloodless war, but there should be no doubt that its casualties are countless. The most disturbing aspect of this war is that it is being waged by the seemingly innocent without them even realizing it. If we are to continue as a species and advance to a state of peace, love, and light we must awaken. The time is now.

Our consciousness is…

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Tall Cedars of Vinland

Throughout the ages, the pine cone has been used as a symbol for the Pineal gland and an activated Third Eye Chakra. You see this in ancient art from all over the world. In the East, it is the pine cone shaped top of the head of the Buddha, or Krishna. In the West, you see it in the sculpture of the Vatican and in Rome. All of the important cathedrals of the middle ages used pine or cedar wood for their woodworking and doors. We see an example of this in the Bible in the story of the building of King Solomon’s Temple. Solomon made contact with God and asked for assistance with building the temple. Solomon was granted help from a friend. Hiram, King of Tyre was sent to help with the building. He brought with him cedar and cyprus wood from Lebanon for the construction. This wood was abundant in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. Pine trees are thought to have certain powers and are a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. The Masons have an appendant organization that is known as The Tall Cedars of Lebanon, which is a reference to this sacred wood. The Christmas tree that we use today was chosen because if this mystical association. A tree that retains it’s color no matter the season. A symbol of immortality.

The area that I live in is a beautiful valley, nestled in between two ranges of hills. It’s just up the hill a little ways from the historical, unincorporated town of Vinland, KS. Since living in the area, I have seen my spiritual enlightenment grow ten-fold. I feel more at one with the higher powers in the universe. More at one with God. This feeling has been growing by the day. Right outside of the back door of my house are two giant Eastern Red Cedar trees. These trees are considered invasive and are all over the area. To me, they are magic and are helping me find my way down the spiritual path. The two in the backyard, are a male and female tree, standing side by side through all of the inclenmecies of weather. They are like my wife and I. Growing stronger every day. They are The Tall Cedars of Vinland.


Patriotic Dissent

As a Freemason, I am obliged to be a peaceable citizen and to not countenance disloyalty or rebellion toward my country. As a thinker, I am drawn to a different conclusion. This is not to say that I disagree with my Masonic teachings, just that there are different ways if looking at the situation.

As an American citizen, I am aware of what this country was intended to be and what it actually is becoming today. I am a proud American in that I love this country and love what it stands for. That is rather patriotic, if I do say do myself… Where I have an issue, is where our country is going today. This is not at all what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

Our government is becoming what those brave men were fighting against. Our government is taking control of our every move. Our media is controlled and manipulated. The rich are getting richer by the day, while the poor and middle-class are struggling. Our monetary system is corrupted and is putting us into deeper and deeper bondage. Our education system is built on misinformation and a curriculum that doesn’t really teach anything of value. Our police and military are acting as henchmen, rather than protectors. Our government has us under it’s thumb, just like the British did the colonies before the American Revolution. We are fed fear propaganda and fluoride in an attempt to breed apathy and subservience. The Patriot Act is anything but a patriotic act! It is treason!

I say that dissent in this case is patriotic. We need to stand against this oppression. Many of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons and they did just that. They knew that true freedom was something worth fighting for. They knew that the system of government that they were trying to create would be worth protecting and would give us great reason to be patriotic . They knew that when things needed to be changed for the better, that it wasn’t just going to happen. They had to make it happen.

I say that WE need to take our freedom back! This dissent is what we need to get our country back! This dissent is patriotic!